Home » Quantum dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) image sensors sales release

Quantum dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) image sensors sales release

April 16, 2024

Quantum Solutions unveils quantum dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) image sensors to target machine vision and robotics applications

[Southampton, 16.04.2024] — Quantum Solutions, a pioneer in quantum dot technology, is excited to announce the launch of Q.Eye® SWIR (short-wave infrared) image sensors with a broad spectral range of 400 – 1700 nm. This innovative sensor is set to unlock new imaging capabilities for machine vision and robotics applications.

The current SWIR sensor market is primarily dominated by compound semiconductor InGaAs image sensor technology having spectral range 900 – 1700 nm. Although this technology offers high performance, its manufacturing process presents significant challenges. Compound semiconductor technology relies on epitaxial growth of InGaAs layers on InP wafers under high-temperature and vacuum conditions, followed by hybridization processes to connect InGaAs layers with silicon ROICs (readout integrated circuits), thus creating a complete FPA (focal plane array) for image recording and processing. This complexity results in limited production capacity and prohibitive product prices, typically starting at $5,000 per SWIR sensor chip.

Quantum Solutions is revolutionizing the manufacturing of SWIR image sensors using novel solution-processed compound semiconductor technology. Instead of epitaxial growth, Quantum Solutions synthesizes semiconductor nanoparticles called colloidal quantum dots. These quantum dots can be seamlessly integrated with silicon ROICs by solution processing, enabling large-volume production on wafer-level platforms, unmatched by traditional methods. This breakthrough technology not only excels in performance but also increases yield and lowers manufacturing costs significantly. Additionally, the sensor exhibits much broader spectral range than standard SWIR sensors: from visible 400 nm to 1700 nm in SWIR range.

"Leveraging our extensive expertise in quantum dot materials development and production, Quantum Solutions is democratizing access to SWIR technology through our cutting-edge Q.Eye® SWIR imaging solutions," said Marat Lutfullin, CEO of Quantum Solutions.

The released Q.Eye® SWIR image sensor, having a spectral range of 400 – 1700 nm and VGA resolution, features the smallest pixel pitch (5 μm) and ultra-compact sensor design (4.1 mm diagonal) thanks to its solution processing and monolithic integration on CMOS (complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) wafers.

Q,Eye® SWIR image sensors make it possible for more customers to use this new technology by offering a more affordable option compared to traditional SWIR sensors. SWIR technology expands the realm of imaging possibilities with capabilities beyond conventional silicon and human vision, such as:

Materials identification: SWIR imaging reveals unique characteristics of materials invisible to the naked eye, such as differentiating between various plastics and organic media based on their SWIR signature, or detecting water traces by its distinct appearance in SWIR ranges, or even detecting contaminations/poisons in food products;

Temperatures: SWIR sensors can be used for imaging hot objects to examine the homogeneity of heat inside reactors;

Lasers imaging: perform laser beam profiling and tracking;

Low light long range imaging: SWIR sensors enhance low-light visibility and provide higher atmospheric transmission especially in degraded visual environments, thus enabling better vision for CCTV cameras, drones or automotive applications;

Seeing through obstructions: SWIR photons can penetrate fog, smoke, haze, and dust, benefiting applications like CCTV cameras for clearer visibility during fire emergencies or aiding firefighting. Automotive applications can also benefit from enhanced visibility in foggy and hazy conditions.

The use cases are limitless… To support the product launch, Quantum Solutions offers an evaluation camera platform equipped with the Q.Eye® SWIR image sensor. The test electronics kit features the market's smallest quantum dot camera, weighing just above 30 grams and measuring less than 3.5 cm in its longest dimension, thanks to the uncooled quantum dot sensor chip and smart camera design. Advantages of its compact size include lightweight optics, extreme power efficiency and USB-driven operation. The camera is designed to facilitate first-hand testing of Quantum Solutions’ SWIR image sensors, enabling operators, engineers, and researchers to explore their transformative capabilities across various industries, including:

  • Machine vision: silicon inspection, laser beam profiling, goods quality control, water level filling tests, plastic sorting;
  • Drones: imaging through obstructions (fog, smoke, haze and dust), agriculture, aerial surveying;
  • Robotics: situational awareness, vision through obstructions;
  • Automotive: ADAS at night and adverse weather conditions, in-car monitoring systems;
  • Security and surveillance.

"The industry has reached a pivotal moment realizing the potential of quantum dot semiconductors in infrared imaging. By harnessing the remarkable tunability and versatility of colloidal quantum dots, we are ready to drive innovation and deliver value to our customers," added Alexander Bessonov, Director of Engineering at Quantum Solutions.

For more information how Quantum Solutions’ groundbreaking Q.Eye® SWIR image sensors can enhance your products and applications, please contact [email protected], review the product specs or visit the product webpage.

About Quantum Solutions:

Quantum Solutions develops and manufactures quantum dot “wide-rangesensors and materials that enable the capture of images invisible to the naked eye. This includes lower-energy SWIR and MWIR spectrums, as well as higher-energy UV and X-ray light ranges. Cameras equipped with these sensors can find numerous applications across various fields, including robotics, machine vision, the automotive industry and security. We envision a future where cameras with augmented vision become the standard in our world. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your needs for enabling the next generation of imaging systems.


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